
Pascal Gauchon, Jean-Marc Huissoud "Les 100 lieux de la géopolitique"



100 locations strategically important or where conflicts are going on. Descriptions for each location are not so detailed. However very concise and perfect for a reference.


Scott Adams "Dilbert: 2012 Day-to-Day Calendar"




さらに、著者Scott Adamsは文才もあり、文章だけでも笑わせてくれる。blogも有名だ。"Steve Jobs"にも取り上げられていたね。


わたしが初めてDilbertに接したのは、日本でもよく売れたらしい"The Dilbert Principle"「ディルバートの法則」からだ。


この成功に気を良くしたらしく、また翻訳がでた。"The Dilbert Future"「ディルバートの未来予測」。

これも笑った。細部は覚えていないけど、「基本的に未来は予測できないが、唯一絶対に変化しない定数は『人類の愚かさ』であり、この予測だけは間違いない」という命題はキッチリ覚えている。そして、その通りだと思う。もちろん大量のマンガの引用あり。それから"Joy of Work"。

これは残念ながら翻訳が出なかったし、原書も絶版か。いたずら"prank"集みたいな感じだった。やはり笑える。そして、次の"Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel"は笑えるのももちろんだけど、それだけにとどまらない秀作。

これは、オフィスにおける言い逃れとか、「微妙に不誠実」「ズルい」行動を大量に収集してあり、なぜ社会学学会がこの著作に賞を出さないのか、理解に苦しむ。"Weasonable doubt"という言葉が印象に残った。シンボリック相互作用論とかエスノメソドロジーとかエスノグラフィーとか労使関係とか経営とか、その辺りのことに興味がある人は読んで損にはならないと思うんだけど。

その後、Scott Adamsの文章本としては、"God's Debris"というのがあったんだけど、無視した。理由は、まあ、趣味というか・・・。Dilbert本とは毛色が違うようだ。ほかに、マンガの編纂本(compilation)は一杯出ているけど、マンガは最初に言った通り、全部Webでタダで読めるということがあり、それでも十冊以上は買ったと思うけど、最近は買っていない。





Micheal Mosley, John Lynch "The Story of Science: Power, Proof and Passion"


Full of fascinating episodes from the history of science, though lacks necessary citations.

Steve Wozniak, Gina Smith "iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I Invented the Personal Computer, Co-founded Apple, and Had Fun Doing It"

この本を放置していたのは、昔からわりと一貫してAppleが好きでなかったのと、サブタイトルが残念な感じがしてたから。もっとも、わたしが知っているAppleというのは、最初のMacintosh以降なんで、Wozがあまり関与していない部分だ。つまり、control freakなところが嫌いだったわけで。Wozはそういう文化の人間ではない。


I am not a big fun of Apple but all I know about Apple is Apple after the first Macintosh, which is not a Woz's product anymore. He is a genius and I am happy to be able to understand his explanations. There are some parts which a layman would find difficult to understand in this book.


Walter Isaacson "Steve Jobs"




You can review the history of IT industry reading this biography. That was the best aspect of this book for me. Now I'm planning to read "iWoz". Apparently my hero should be Woz, not Jobs.


Dorothy H. Crawford "Viruses: A Very Short Introduction"





Fascinating. This book is fascinating and viruses themselves are fascinating. People talk about computer viruses, but real viruses are much more sophisticated and compared to them, human-made computer viruses are cheap imitation. In the first part of this book, these replication mechanisms of viruses are described. Viruses are just a few bunch of RNAs or DNAs and they carry only information, based on which proteins are produced by using hosts' machinery.

The second part describes many examples of maladies caused by viruses. HIV, hepatitis, small pox, influenza... The third part describes the counter attack by humans, though we have only just a few vaccines.... Finally, viruses as deadly weapons are mentioned. The last sentence of this book is very impressing. You should read it yourself....


J. P. Singh "United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO): Creating Norms for a Complex World" (Global Institutions)



An overview of UNESCO as an organization. There are few books which focus on an international organization itself rather than its activities. Routledge's "Global Institutions" series are best of its kind.


Andrew Goudie, Heather Viles "Landscapes and Geomorphology: A Very Short Introduction"


An basic overview of geomorphology, an scholastic area for studying land. Plate tectonics, inundation, vegetation, ice ages, volcano, and so on.


Simon Glendinning "Derrida: A Very Short Introduction"


Here is a Japanese old saying: "To forgive is to forgive when you cannot." meaning "To forgive only when you can find it forgivable is not forgiveness at all." Clear enough. Derrida's "the only possible forgiveness is the impossible forgiveness." is just another mysterious way of saying the same thing. That said, philosophy is a clumsy subject, and it took a genius to reach this commonplace conclusion....

Anyway this book presents some important aspects of Derrida's thinking. But what is fascinating about Derrida is not so his thought but his way of thinking or writing. This book is a good introduction, but I think Derrida's texts are not so difficult to understand as Glendinning maintains.


Damien Kewon "Buddhist Ethics: A Very Short Introduction"

There are too many so-called Buddhism scholars which the author wants to be. While I do not look up to them as Buddhists, maybe this book represents some aspects of modern Buddhists.

正当な戦争とか安楽死とかクローン人間とかテロとか、要は現代倫理学にありがちなテーマについて、 仏教ならこう考えるだろうというこの著者の考え。はっきり言って無意味だと思うが、日本の教団についても言及もあるし、これが現代仏教の実態かもしれない。

Nicholas James "Cancer: A Very Short Introduction"


The strongest points of this book are politics and economics of medical industry. The author criticizes the health system of the UK. I did not know that NHS pays for homeopathy. There are also some interesting facts from epidemiology of cancer. For example, the author recommends sunbathing to prevent cancer. But he is a rigid scientist and denies almost all the "alternative" therapy. Fascinating and recommendable especially for those who might develop cancer in the course of life....


Marco Iacobini "Mirroring People: The Science of Empathy and How We Connect With Others"


The author maintains that imitation or mirroring occurs automatically due to mirror neurons. That sounds not so eye-opening, but this book is trying to explain the importance of mirroring in human culture. That is the point that makes this book outstanding.


Christpher Kelly "The Roman Empire: A Very Short Introduction"

A Roman empire's history organized by subject. The author puts highlights especially on some disturbing facts about the empire. Interesting. By the way, western people tend to distort Latin nous in their own way. That is because Latin culture is embedded in their cultures deeply. However, at least in academic books like this one, shouldn't we use proper Latin nouns?



Stephen Howe "Empire: A Very Short Introduction"

An overview of imperialism and colonialism, without touching on Japanese case. Once upon a time, "Imperial Japan" existed, but that was much smaller/shorter/weaker than those of European forces, and few Japanese think that Imperial Japan was a great age. And Japan was never colonized, at least officially. But most people of the world are in either one of the two sides, id est, former empires or former colonies.


Charles Townshend "Terrorism: A Very Short Introduction"

This book falls in a category of "random essay" which is a type of VSI. I am not ironical. It sometimes works. In the case of this book, it mentions theories of terrorism which are often ignored because most of us are against terrorism and tend to think that terrorism is totally illogical and can attain nothing to ruling powers in the long run.


John Kenneth Riches "The Bible: A Very Short Introduction"

Needless to say but this book is much shorter than the bible itself. Therefore it seems to me a random collection of the author's observations on various things caused by the bible. Not an overview but just interesting articles. Not bad for such.



Nelson Goodman "Ways of Worldmaking"

How should I put it... From what I learn, there are infinite number of versions of the world. Some of them are more useful, some of them are just false and harmful, still some of them are false but useful... Some of them are convertible, some of them are nonconvertible, yet some of them have common factors... And then the author goes into details... It all seems to me totally obvious except for that there are too many prerequisites. Is it because Goodman's ideas is so dispersed among us that I cannot recognize it as such? Or Is it because I am too much into continental philosophies that I always feel an urge for deconstructing everything? I do not know but one of my friends said that this book is a must-read and I finished it.

これは知り合いが読んでいたから読んだだけなのだが・・・。世界には様々なヴァージョンがあり、制作されうる。そして、著者の主たる関心は、様々なヴァージョンの相互作用にあるらしい。確かに面白い事例は色々あるんだけど、純粋に理論的な枠組みという点からすると、特に斬新でもないし、未確認の前提条件が多過ぎるような気がするのだが・・・。 これはグッドマンの思考が世間に普及し過ぎて当たり前になったせいなのか、それとも、何でも脱構築したくなるわたしの悪趣味のせいなのか。どっちにしろ、有名な作品だし、読んで損はないんだろう。邦題「世界制作の方法」はカッコいいというか、原題よりこっちのほうが適切なくらいだ。

Dana Arnold "Art History: A Very Short Introduction"

As is often the case with VSI, this is not a book simply tells us art history. Rather, it is a book on history of study of art history. It covers wide range of topics from classical west-centered vision to Foucault's criticism.



Andrew Ballantyne "Architecture: A Very Short Introduction"

A historical-architectural-sociology? It seems to me a rather random walk in the world of famous buildings. It tells us repeatedly that the value of a building is relative to cultures to which we belong. I am not particularly familiar with architecture but I am certain that this is not a good introductory book. But, well, there are lots of famous buildings which I feel like to research more.



Giovanna Borradori "Philosophy in a Time of Terror: Dialogues with Jurgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida"

In my school days, Habermas seemed to me constructive but simplistic. Derrida seemed profound but futile. Now I see they both are trying to find good neighborhood on their own ways, which are not so diverged as they appear. They both do not touch problems of the notions of "nation", "religion", etc. which I think were invented in the Europe or Christian traditions, because they both refer to Kant as a reference point. Maybe to them these points are too obvious.

流石と言うしか・・・。ハバマスは正しくカントを受け継いでおり、その世界政府像に対してキリスト教的だのパターナリスティクだの文句を言うことはできるが、ハバマスの答は簡単で、「マシな対案があるのか」ということだ。わたしとしてはあるような気がするが、ここまで話がこじれた以上は、主権国家だとか並列する諸宗教とかいう概念を前提にするしかないのかもしれない。他方、デリダのほうでは、「無条件の寛容はありえないが、それを前提にしなければ条件付きの寛容も考えられず・・・」とかいう例の論法で、固定した理想状況をあくまで拒否している。もっとも、この拒否は、永遠にゴールを目指すための前提であることを理解しないと、デリダをただのアナーキストと見誤る可能性が高い。 しかしまあ、流石だ。


Arthur Miller "Death of a Salesman"

I found this book at the end of my bookshelves. Well, I guess there was a time when this salesman's situation was considered miserable. He had the wrong dreams. That is all. He had a nice wife and nice sons. How could he have complained?



そして、わたしの自然な感覚では、どう考えてもこれが悲惨な話に思えない。妻がいて息子がいる時点で勝ち組だし、有力な友人が助けてくれるとまで言っている。それで何が問題かと言うと、要は"He had the wrong dreams."にすべて集約されているようだ。息子がニートなのも、似たような話で。しかし、浮気の話とか盗癖の話とか出てくると、ますます同情が減殺され、葬式だって、誰も来ないというけど、孤独死でも無縁死でもない。まあ虚栄心の死というか。文学的というより教訓的だった。

Bernard Crick "Democracy: A Very Short Introduction"

Not a typical introductory textbook. The author expresses his view on democracy rather freely. Apparently democracy is not supreme value for him. It seems that the ultimate value is something like "free society" and democracy is an indispensable element for it but democracy alone cannot do any good.



Mary Jo Hatch "Organizations: A Very Short Introduction"

In my eyes, well written but just a bunch of obvious observations chiefly on business organizations. If you are not familiar with sociology or social psychology, this book may be a good introduction. Maybe a textbook for MBA or something like that? There are a lot of famous quotes from major sociologists and psychologists. Since I knew them very well and in some cases better than the author, I am not in a position to judge this book.



Mohamed ElBaradei "The Age of Deception: Nuclear Diplomacy in Treacherous Times"

This book is a must read for all who are interested in diplomacy or nuclear disarmament/proliferation. Diplomacy should be conducted in this way. This book is fairly thick but easy to read. Fascinating. In the mean time, what were our diplomats doing?



Jacques Derrida, Gerald Graff, Jeffrey Mehlman, Samuel Weber "Limited Inc"

If it is crystal clear to you
that you are totally right,
that your opponent is totally wrong,
that you know why your opponent misunderstood you,
that your opponent is trying to defame you some what intentionally,
that your opponent's malice justifies your counterattack,
that you have enough time and patience to do so,
and that it is a good opportunity to advertise your theory more correctly,
then this is a sort of book you would write. I read this book more than ten years ago and it still amuses me. Bad taste.




Brian Charlesworth "Evolution: A Very Short Introduction"

This book is a basic account of evolutionary biology. In Japan, there exists virtually no controversy about the evolution theory. Sometimes the author poses "evidences" for the evolution theory whose necessity most Japanese do not understand. It was more interesting than I had expected though.



Ian J. Deary "Intelligence: A Very Short Introduction"

"Intelligence" is defined in this book as narrowly as one can expect. It means the score of IQ tests. The author carefully and correctly limits his investigation to what is measurable. Still there are lots of amazing findings. No previous knowledge is required. Very fascinating.


Julia Annas "Ancient Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction"

This book is chiefly on Socrates, Platon, Aristoteles, Stoicism and Epicureanism. It is not a concise overview. The author is seriously discussing some topics with those great ancient philosophers. This method is a great way to become acquainted with ancient philosophies, though in the academic world, you would be required to treat them with more indifference to their arguments, because their arguments are too rudimentary compared to those maniac modern counterparts. For me, Aristoteles's view of the world seems very attractive. It is sad that almost all the book on science history I have ever read portrayed Aristoteles as an authoritarian idiot.



Norman Solomon "Judaism: A Very Short Introduction"

I did not know much about Judaism chiefly because there are few Jews in Japan. There are some books about world-dominating Jewish conspiracy theory at bookstores that no one would seriously believe. There are also books that say "Learn Jewish way of thinking and become rich" sort of things. Maybe some people seriously read this sort of books. My little knowledge about Judaism came chiefly from a TV series "Evangelion" in the same way I learned Catholicism and Protestantism from OVA "Hellsing". What I mean is that this book is very nice for beginners or lay persons. As an average Japanese sometimes I find it difficult to distinguish those religions and Islamic sects from each other. It is a really nice beginner's guide to Judaism.



Simon Critchley "Continental Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction"

I do not know what English-speaking people think about this book, because in Japan, it is an obligation for philosophy students to study both "analytic" philosophy and "continental" philosophy. It seems that in English-speaking countries philosophy students stay away from their continental counterpart. It was really interesting for me to watch their mutual misunderstandings, but in my humble opinion, continental philosophers know about analytic philosophy much more than the other way round. This book is not for a beginner. Obviously readers are required to have a wide range of knowledge about both philosophical traditions. Maybe at least one year or two years' training in college philosophy?




Catherine Belsey "Poststructuralism: A Very Short Introduction"

Another book of nostalgia. Worth reading if you have no knowledge about this subject. In Japan, continental philosophies are much more widely studied than those of UK or US, in case you did not know.



Jonathan Culler "Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction"

I took this book out of nostalgia. I would say that it is a collection of interesting topics in literary theory, rather that a brief overview. However literary theory is itself a collection of miscellaneous topics. So what else should we expect under this title? I think all the English (Japanese) teachers at high school should have at least this level of knowledge.



John H. Arnold "History: A Very Short Introduction"

This book is a "history of history". I expect that all historians should have this degree of conscientiousness. Making up a history needs a self-analysis, if you call it describing. You must be conscious about what you are doing. And it will benefit also consumers of history books. And this book is also entertaining.



Gillian Butler, Freda McManus "Psychology: A Very Short Introduction"

An overview of psychology. Not bad, not great. VSIs with a title too general tend to be boring and this book is not an exception. It is a catalog of psychology related subjects. Those who have just started to study psychology might find it helpful.



Uta Frith "Autism: A Very Short Introduction"

Amazingly great short book on ASD. Very informative and very easy to read. I can feel warmness of the author who is an excellent scientist and a great humanitarian at the same time. This book contains a lot of insights into not only ASD but also what we are. I was impressed with complexity of our brains. Recommended for those who are in contact with ASD people but also for those interested in brain science.

いわゆるASD、自閉症とかアスペルガー症候群とかの解説書なんだけど、これは素晴らしい。現実の自閉症がどんなものか、とてもリアルにわかりやすく書かれている。実際に自閉症の人と付き合いがあるのならmust-readだけど、純粋に脳の働きに興味がある人にとっても驚くべき情報がいっぱいあるので、特に自閉症に興味がなくても面白いだろう。個人的にびっくりした一例だけど、健常者でも脳のある部位を損傷すると、物をやたら集めるようになる。これはその部位が物集め本能を司っているからではなく、物集め本能を抑止する部位だからだという。えっ、じゃあ人間は自己抑制し続けてないと、自然に物を集めてゴミ屋敷を作ってしまうということなの? いろんなことを考えてしまう。自閉症に関する本を他に読んだことがないので知らないけど、日本語訳したいところだなあ。


Leslie Iversen "Drugs: A Very Short Introduction"

This is a very basic introduction to drugs. No scientific background is required. I have never studied much about this subject, still I found this book is too elementary. There are few books of this kind, that is, books for ordinary people outside of medical profession.



Maxwell Irvine "Nuclear Power: A Very Short Introduction"

I assume most part of this book was written before the accident of Fukushima Daiichi. The author is clearly pro-nuclear energy, which is a good thing because in Japan all bookstores are repleted with anti-nuclear books. Personally I do not have a solid opinion about this matter and I do not feel I have to have one either. I am just fed up with unscientific or illogical accounts of nuclear power energy, regardless of pro or con. I do not think this book is particularly persuasive, but at least it explained me a lot of cool cutting-edge technologies of new generation nuclear power plants. Sometimes I felt as if the author was a salesman from Areva or something.



Peter Salway "Roman Britain: A Very Short Introduction"

I am not particularly interested in Roman Britannia, but this book was much more fascinating than I had expected. In Japan, at high school, we learn about Roman Empire but not quite thoroughly about its provinces.



David DeGrazia "Animal Rights: A Very Short Introduction"

As far as I am concerned, total ban on farming does not pose a great problem because I do not like meat anyway. Total ban on whaling is a good idea because I hate whale. What I do not understand is why some people can oppose to whaling on moral bases while devouring farmed beef. I think it is a matter of emotion, not a logic. I know that Christians are generally more cruel to animals than Buddhists, but I find this book is the other side of the extremity. The author tries to build a logic system for animal rights. I do not think that would have any effect on specists.



Harry Sidebottom "Ancient Warfare: A Very Short Introduction"

As is often the case with VSI, this book is not a simple description of ancient warfare. Its main theme is an ideology called "the Western Way of War". Well, I have not yet seen "Gladiator" and the concept "the Western Way of War" is very foreign to me. Telling from what I learned from this book, I imagine that westerners have a idealized image of their way of conducting warfare, and the author's intention is to criticize that image. As an average Japanese I know a lot about ancient Chinese warfare which was highly civilized and therefore very brutal. I would like to recommend my western friends "Records of Three Kingdoms", which might change your image of ancient China and yourself...

VSIにありがちな話で、古代ローマ・ギリシア・マケドニア・ペルシアとかの戦闘を概説しているというよりは、それに対する解釈の変遷に重点がある。特に、この本には、"The Western Way of War"という神話を打破するという目標がある。もっとも、わたしはそんな神話を西洋人と共有していないので、何のことか分かりにくいところもあるが・・・。早い話がローマ人は規律正しくちゃんと戦争をするけど、ゲルマン人とかは凶暴で自由に戦ってくるとかいうようなことらしい。映画"Gladiator"が(批判的に)参照されるので、見た人にはもっとわかりやすいだろう。で、普通に戦史・戦術史を学びたい人は別の本を当たるべきということになるが、この本を読んだ後では、普通の本に書いてあることが普通に信じられなくなるというのも、VSIにありがちな話で・・・。個人的には学生の頃、わりと真剣に古典語を勉強していたんで、ちょっと懐かしかった。


Benoit B. Mandelbrot "The Fractal Geometry of Nature"

This book is a readable encyclopedia of fractal geometry rather than a mathematical study. Some readers might feel frustrated because there is not enough mathematical explanation. I think that feeling has something to do with something inherent to fractal geometry... But of course, I do not know.




Daniel W. Drezner "Theories of International Politics and Zombies"

I am afraid that this book is easily buried into obscurity because there are lots of zombie books recently. I checked at bookstores many zombie manuals and I found this book is the best of its kind. It might serve as an introductory book on international politics. You can insert this book into your report on international politics at college.




Fred C. Piper, Sean Murphy "Cryptography: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)"

Very orthodox and very elementary. You don't need to know even the binary notation. Very good for the first encounter with cryptography. But if you just looking for fun, I bet there should be more amusing books on cryptography. And also if you are looking for real mathematics of cryptography or a manual for real computer security system, this book is not for you.


Catherine Sheldrick Ross, Kirsti Nilsen and Marie L. Radford "Conducting the Reference Interview: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians, Second Edition (How to Do It Manuals for Librarians)"

I think this is a book for students who want to be a librarian. Those who have no experience of serving at the library reference desk or something like that should find this book exciting. For me this book is too elementary though I know many librarians who do not possess those skills described in this book. There are lots of professions which require the client interviews, such as policemen, nurses, doctors, business consultants, tech helps and so on. And each has similar course books like this one. All of them are interesting and make me think about helping in general.


Mark Bowden "Winning Body Language: Control the Conversation, Command Attention, and Convey the Right Message without Saying a Word"

I came across this book by a mere accident. I believe not all the arguments or justifications the author made for his method, but as long as it works, why do I bother? Very helpful for me. Some of the techniques told in this book were familiar to me, but chiefly for purposes of martial arts or health. I never thought they could also be used for business presentations.



Malise Ruthven "Fundamentalism: A Very Short Introduction" (Oxford Very short Introduction)

"Fundamentalism" is often translated into Japanese as "genri-shugi", which literally means "principle-ism". Anyone who would not converse with those who do not share his belief is deemed "genri-shugisya" or "principle-ist". So "genri-shugi" has a broader meaning than "fundamentalism". We can talk about "democracy-genri-shugi" or "open-source-genri-shugi".

Well, here "fundamentalism" is a strictly religious term, has nothing to do with above mentioned dogmatisms or technical analysis. Sects deemed "fundamentalists" exist in many religions and they are all somewhat alike. The author's approach is religious sociology, and fairly easy to follow. A lot of fascinating insights are there. This is a short book, but contains too much interesting thinking for me to summarize here.



Edgar H. Schein "Helping: How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help"

Symbolic interactionism, on which this book is based, is underutilized in the business world. So it is not surprising that this book is a huge success among business people. Though symbolic interactionism is one of my strongest areas, I was greatly impressed by the author's insight. This is how SI is applied in the real world. What did I studied in the university?

This book is chiefly meant for professional helpers, such as nurses, business consultant, computer technicians etc. However, since everybody sometimes helps other people or is helped themselves, nobody is out of the scope of this book. If you are familiar with symbolic interactionism, especially works of Erving Goffman, that will be a great help, but not a prerequisite. Rather, you can get a feeling of SI thinking from this book.

I think a major constraint of this book is that it seems it only deals with helping situations between well-educated people. For example, the author assumes that a helper feels almost automatically one-up and a client feels one-down. Maybe there is a cultural gap, but at least here in Japan, when clients ask for help, sometimes they feel one-up, because they PAY. I hate this side of Japanese culture, but I imagine the same thing can happen in the US. What do you think when you are forced to call a customer service because a product you have purchased is defective? In Japan, we tend to perceive a company as a whole, and we feel one-up relative to a customer service representative though he himself is not responsible for that defective product...

As you see, this book urges me to think a lot. Great book.


というわけで、原書についてだけど、これは売れるのはわかる。この本の基礎になっているシンボリック相互作用論は社会学の一分野で、ビジネスの世界でほとんど知られていない。わたしもシンボリック相互作用論は相当勉強したつもりなんだけど、こういう本を読むと、せっかく勉強したのに十分に役立ててないことに気がつくようなことで・・・。特にE. Goffmanの仕事などを知っていると、この著者の言葉遣いとかも良くわかると思うけど、社会学を全く知らなくても読める。




Ian Shaw "Ancient Egypt: A Very Short Introduction"

This book is not an overview of the history of the ancient Egypt, but rather an overview of Egyptology. So, if you want to learn about pyramids or mummies or hieroglyphs, this book is not for you, though after reading this book, you will begin to doubt the credibility of any Egyptian history told in popular books. This book just tells you how scholars work on a wide range of subjects of Egyptology. Interesting, but it seems the author never intended to sell this book to general public. Maybe you should have certain amount of knowledge abut ancient Egypt, then this book will correct your image of ancient Egypt. It seems this is the author's aim.




Saki "The Chronicles of Clovis"

I seldom read novels. Saki is one of my best loving storytellers. Especially I am a fun of Clovis Sangrail. In a nutshell, this book is an anthology of black humors.




SelfMadeEasy.com "Assertiveness: Stand Up, Speak Out, and Still Garner Others' Respect"

Seizing this opportunity, I would like to announce to all shy and modest people around the world that Japan is the country for you. Japanese culture respects modesty. If you are an American and suffer from you timidity, you are most welcome in Japan. You can not imagine how charming and attractive being an American and modest at the same time is to Japanese people. President Obama was criticized in the United States because he bowed too low before the emperor of Japan. One thing they do not know is how this presidential act made Japanese people respect Mr. Obama. I am not a serious supporter of the emperor system, but bowing foreigners are always highly respected in Japan. In this regard, there is a huge gap between the two cultures. Well, politeness and timidity are two different things, but I wish you never lose your charm in the course of adopting assertive attitude. By the way, this book is, well not bad. Sometimes it is a good thing to become self-reflective about your outer attitude.

残念ながらこれはKindle Editionのみらしい。まあ似たような本はいくらでもあるんで、適当に売れてたり安いのを読めばコンセプトは同じだろう。日本でもしばらく前に「断る力」だとか「怒る技術」だとか、単純に「アサーティブネス」とかいうタイトルの本が結構流行ったと思う。自己啓発はたいてい米国発で、適当な日本人が翻訳したりパクったりして日本でも少し遅れて流行る。大人しくて損をしているとか自己主張が苦手な人向けの本だけど、この本の基準だと、半分以上の日本人が該当してしまう気がする。文化差が大きく、この本を読んで日本で役立つ気がしないけど、アメリカ人風の考え方や言い方を学習するのに役立った気がする。たまには、こういうのを敢えて考えてみるのも悪くないことだろうし。

Partha Dasgupta "Economics: A Very Short Introduction" (Very Short Introductions)

This book is an introduction for economics students and not a summary of the subject. Economics is a well-established subject and there are a lot of great text books. This book focuses on some crucial basic facts which are often omitted from popular economics textbooks. For example, a sound and trustworthy government is a prerequisite for sustainable economic growth. Well, people in the UK may not trust their government, but not to the extent of people in many underdeveloped countries.



T. E. Klemm "100 Chess Problems for the Rest of Us"

This book is for Kindle only. Fairly elementary problems. It is neither for very advanced players nor for novice players. The author says "the rest of us" accounts for 80% of all the chess players. It uses a lot of diagrams of chess board and explains almost move by move.

I have not played chess more than 100 times in my life, so this book would not be for me if I were not a very experienced shogi (Japanese chess) player. I usually enjoy more-than-five-movers of shogi. And I solved half of the problems here in first 30 seconds. Very interesting and it helped me getting accustomed to movements of the chess pieces.

By the way, Problem 67 looks funny for me. The author proposes skewering the opponent's king and queen, but the situation seems to me just a simple two move mate. I wonder if there is a rule that prevents this obvious checkmate.

残念ながらこれはKindle Editionしかない。将棋で言うところの「次の一手」で、正直なところ、わたしには易し過ぎるけど、チェスの動きに慣れるという意味では良かった。半分以上が一目で解ける。まあ、将棋の経験がなくても、チェス入門書の傑作"Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess"を読み終わったら、直ぐにこれを読めるだろう。もちろん、わたしのように、「将棋の経験はあるけどチェスはルールくらいしか知らない」、という人も楽しめる。

余談だけど、これからチェスを学ぼうとする人には"Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess"が一番いいと思う。日本語訳も出ているんだろうけど、所詮チェスの話なんで、英語も易しい。というか、チェスに強くなりたければ英語は避けられない。あるいは、チェスを通じて英語を学ぶという考え方もアリだ。


Kakuzo Okakura "The Book of Tea"

This book is first published in 1906, and they say this it is still the best introductory book to chado or tea ceremony for westerners. To those of philosophical mind, this may be true. It does not explain how to make or drink tea, but the philosophy of tea. As an average Japanese, I found it rather vulgar. No offense, but it is just a cultural difference. This book may be a good start for non-Japanese, though I would not recommend it to my compatriots. The theme of this book is too obvious for them. On the bottom line, I leaned from this book how to explain teaism to westerners.



Julia Annas "Plato: A Very Short Introduction" (Very Short Introductions)

People may expect a concise introduction to Plato's ideas, but the author doubts if we should reconstruct Plato's ideas from his dialogical treatises. I do not know if this is an ordinary way of learning Plato. There is a heavy tradition of "Platonism", which has restricted our understandings of Plato. From the tradition, we know some famous quotations of Plato and we have formed some notion of what Plato was thinking about. But it seems that modern philologists might not follow this line. So, if you would like to learn Platonism, this book would surely disappoint you.



M. A. Cook "The Koran: A Very Short Introduction" (Very Short Introductions)

I assume this book is very famous in English-speaking world. It is a very concise introduction to the Koran. All I am obliged to say is that this book is not for those who want to learn the ideas of the Koran. Rather, this book is a work of philology and comparative religion. Some degree of knowledge of Christianity might be prerequisite of this book. I mean, that an average Japanese might find this book a little too foreign....



John Medina "Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School"

This book is a mixture of brain science and how-to. That said, It is quite natural if you get extremely wary and do not feel like even touching this book. However, the author is an authentic scientist and this book is not a pseudo-science. You may be still weary, but you have my word. Very fascinating book. There might be too much sugarcoating. Still, this book talk about too important facts about our brain to just ignore.



R. A. Hope "Medical Ethics: A Very Short Introduction" (Very Short Introductions)

This book poses some of most controversial ethical problems of the medical professions, about which the author freely expresses his opinions. Though they are most important questions of medical ethics, this is not an overview of this area. I assume the author's intention is to stimulate readers' own thinking.



Steve Hughes and Nigel Haworth "International Labour Organization (ILO): Coming in from the Cold" (Global Institutions)

This book is about a history of ILO, not a history of labor economics. It focuses on how they have survived since the inception of the League of Nations. In Japan, their influences are hardly sensed, except for an anti-communist institution and except when trade unions argues their rights citing ILO conventions. Maybe they work better in other countries, but it is not apparent from this book. This book focuses on the ILO itself and its survival strategies. That makes me think about the concept of "inter-governmental organization" in general. Inter-governmental organizations have their respective special areas, but it appears they all behave in the same way.... Anyway, this is a nice and concise introduction to ILO.



Samir Okasha "Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction" (Oxford Very Short Introductions)

I was once a big fan of the "strong program" chiefly because it is extreme and absurd. Actually, I do not think that philosophy of science is useful for scientists. However, I am a little interested in controversies between idealism and realism. And besides, wars between scientists and philosophers or sociologist are highly emotionally charged and very amusing for us by-standers. This book is an elementary introduction to these entertaining battles. I also recommend David Bloor's "Knowledge and Social Imagery", which poses the most furious attack on the scientist pride.

一時期、ブルアのいわゆる「ストロング・プログラム」にハマっていたことがあった。だいたい、理系の科学者だちは自分たちが絶対の真実を探求していると主張し、相対的な真実しか追究していない文系をバカにしているから、哲学者や社会学者が自然科学を相対化しようとすると、ムダに感情的な争いになって、傍観者的にはなかなか面白い分野だ。それはそれとして、この分野は観念論vs実在論の一つの舞台でもあり、そういう方面の興味もある。この本は、特に論争主導での入門書なんで、理屈が好きな人にはお薦めだ。しかし、もっと過激派の見解を学んで衝撃を受けたいというようなムキには、やはりBloorの"Knowledge and Social Imagery"を推奨したい。


Michael Eliot Howard "The First World War: A Very Short Introduction" (Oxford Very Short Introductions)

This is a very good introduction to all aspects of the first World War. It traces many battles of the war, and you may be getting to want to know more and more. In this book, people die and die and die. I think this book is the worst killer in VSIs. I was brought up in the pacifist Japan and naturally abhor wars. Japan has no borders and it is hard for me to imagine what being a French or a German feels like... I will never understand why such a terrible war was necessary, but, well, maybe the European Union is a triumph of humanity.

第一次世界大戦の入門書としては、もともと評判がよくて、わたしも一気に読んでしまった。とにかくこの本は人が死ぬ。いまだかつてOxford Very Short Introductionで、こんな人が死ぬ本はなかっただろう。第一次世界大戦の様々な戦闘を、大きな流れが分かるように、良い感じに要約して説明してくれるんだけど、戦闘のたびに平気で何十万人も死ぬ。Appendixによれば、オーストリアハンガリーの死者が120万、ドイツが180万、フランスが140万、イギリスが74万、ロシアが170万で、他の国もある。まあ確かに、この本で死んだ数を全部足したらこんな感じか・・・。一言で「狂気」としか言いようがないけど、ちょっと離れて見れば、ミリオタの人の英語学習に最適かもしれない。政治経済社会といったあらゆる側面を解説しているけど、説明の中心は軍事だ。しかし、これで、また次の大戦をやるんだよな・・・。


Roy Porter "Madness: A Brief History"

A brief overview of history of treatments of madness. Not too philosophical. Fascinating. I once used to be into R. D. Laing and Freud. Now they are in history books. Sometimes the author seems ironic, but overall, it appears that he tries to be as neutral as possible. This book does not suggest a position you should take for this matter, but it really makes you think about it....

これは日本語訳は悪くないけど、ただタイトルに問題があり、実態は「狂気の取り扱い方の歴史」みたいな感じ。悪魔の仕業みたいに思われていた時代もあれば、狂気にロマンを感じていた時代もあり、心理学が優勢な時代もあれば、器質論が優勢な時代もあり・・・。個人的にはフロイトやらR. D. Laingやらにハマりまくっていたことがあったけど、文学的に面白いだけで、現実の治療はまた別問題なんだなぁ・・・。そしてここでも脳と精神の関係が問題になる。この本自体は、やや文学的ではあるけど、普通の歴史書と言っていいだろう。ただ、あくまで読み物で、資料性は低い。正直なところ、わたしの知らないことはあまりなかったけど、入門書としてはいいんじゃないかと思う。


A. J. Ayer "Hume: A Very Short Introduction" (Oxford Very Short Introductions)

Before reading this book, readers must have some basic knowledge about Hume and in philosophy generally. This book is not for beginners. The author himself is a philosopher, and has no intention to present Hume's work without his own comments. He is always assuming opponents to Hume's arguments and trying to defend him. Sometimes I do not see what he is fighting against. Still, it contains a variety of exciting arguments.


Malise Ruthven "Islam: A Very Short Introduction" (Oxford Very Short Introductions)

Since I am relatively new to this subject, I cannot tell if this book is a neutral and fair representation of Islam". What I can say is that this book is not very short. It is overloaded with too much information for a beginner. I imagine one reason is the fact that Islam is not just a religion. In wester Europe as well as here in far east asia, we are accustomed to the notion that religions and other areas of social structure are different matters. That is not the case in the Islamic world. We have to learn Islam as a whole. I think this is not the author's fault.

わたしは全然イスラムに詳しくないので、この本が公平な本なのかどうか判断できない。入門書として読むには、ちと難しいのかもしれないけど、シーア派とスンナ派がいるとか、ムハンマドが始めた宗教だとか、あと若干中東情勢の知識があれば、普通には読めるだろう。情報量がやたら多く、あまり"very short"な感じがしないけど、これはイスラムの性質上仕方がない。我々は、宗教と他の社会生活、たとえば、政治とか経済とか学校とかを切り離して、それだけで理解できると考えがちだけど、イスラムはそういうことになっていないので、一度に総合的に理解していく必要がある。・・・というようなことも、この本を読めば分かってくる。一部近代主義者は、イスラムもそういう方向(政教分離)に持っていきたいみたいだけど。細かいことを言い出したら切りがないはずで、よくこれだけに収まったと考えるべきなんだろう。


A. C. Grayling "Wittgenstein: A Very Short Introduction" (Oxford Very Short Introductions)

This is not a very interesting introduction to Wittgenstein's philosophy, but I think this is a must read for his fans. Wittgenstein has some peculiar attractiveness for dilettantes, and I used to be his big fan. I went so far as to study his bios. I think I was attracted by his eccentricity. The author seems to have followed the same line. His estimates of Wittgenstein is quite low, and I think with good reason. So I do not recommend this book to those who seek for excitement. I recommend it to those who are already fascinated by Wittgenstein's philosophy.



Oystein Ore "Number Theory and Its History (Dover Classics of Science and Mathematics)"

An introduction to number theory mixed with its history. This book was first published in 1948. So some people may think it is dated. But this is an elementary book and basic mathematical concepts have not been changed since then, so I think most people find that no drawback. Recent books on this subject tend to rest on group theory which is really abstract and expain its applications such as RSA public key encryption. They are also interesting, but old books have their own charm, too.



Susan Blackmore "Consciousness: A Very Short Introduction" (Oxford Very Short Introductions)

An easy introduction to "consciousness" or "sense of self". Well, I am a Zen Buddhist practicing Zen meditation myself so my opinion on this book may sound a bit bizzare and useless for ordinary people. I do not think the questions raised by this book are so important. I imagine that "consciousness" are comprised of many functions and organs. Therefor it is not surprising there be many ways to break down their associations or cordinations, which are of course very interesting. Maybe the most important question for the author is that of "free will", which I am not so curious about. I never understand for whom "free will" is free. By the way, I am thinking about reading Hume, hoping he is on my side.



Y. E. O. Adrian "Pleasures of Pi,e and Other Interesting Numbers"

I don't understand why they gave this title to this nice book. This is a book on beauty of infinite series. The second half of this book is dedicated to prove convergences of series presented in the first half. Calculus is often used to prove convergence. It is OK with me, though some would insist that original proofs by the inventors of these series should be presented. It would make a wholly different book. The first half is devided into three parts: series concerning pi, series concerning e, and miscellaneous series. I think therefore a more appropriate title would be something like "An exposition of infinite series".

このタイトルの付け方は酷い。実際には、無限級数の展覧会で、かなりの部分がπとeに関わるというだけのことで、最悪でもタイトルあるいはサブタイトルに"infinite series"という言葉は必要だった。一般にウけようとした編集の判断だろうか。前半は、π関係の級数、e関係の級数、その他の級数の展示と簡単な説明。後半は証明なんで読みたくなければ読まなくてもいいけど、簡単だ。ただし、級数が発明された当時の証明ではなく、普通に微積分を使っている。個人的には解析の基本書を読んでいるところなので、ついでに読んだだけだけど、高校の教育用なんかには面白いんじゃないかなあ。日本語訳では、原書の間違いをノーコメントで訂正している箇所を一箇所発見。


William Dunham "The Calculus Gallery: Masterpieces from Newton to Lebesgue"

An history of the calculus. It appears like a popular math book, but it's not. The most beautiful parts of this book are written in math equations. You don't need to get a pen and notepad to go through this book, though you have to follow mathematical expressions. My main motif to read this book was Leibnitz. In that regard, I sensed a little weakness in the author's philosophical backgound. But, well, who cares. This is a math book, not a philosophy book. The best part starts after Cauchy, and I find it really fascinating.

解析の歴史。一見アメリカにありがちな"popular math"風だけど、実際には教養程度の解析とか集合論の知識は必要だろうな・・・。手を動かさなくてもいいけど、基本は数式を追う本だ。高校生では多分しんどい。もっとも、わたしも大して数学に強いわけではないんで、つまり、それくらいのレベルというような・・・。




Joseph M. Siracusa "Diplomacy: A Very Short Introduction"

The first chapter describes a very brief history of deplomacy. Then next four chapters describe four diplomatical events: the American Revolution, WWI, Churchill and Stalin at the end of WWII, and the ANZUS treaty. They are meant to be case studies, though, from which the author draw no generalization nor moral. The last chapter describes current trends in world politics.

This book does not give you an overview of diplomacy. It does not explain, for example, techniques of diplomacy. It is just an history book, though it is worth reading especially for those who are interested in "high politics" and those events.




Keith Cuninghame "Guidelines for Legislative Libraries (Ifla Publications)"

I find this book almost amusing. Very readable even for a layman. Everyone who access a congressional or parliamentary library on a regular basis would understand a tension between librarians and parliamentary researchers. Though I don't know what a professional librarian would think about all these things, I assume it holds some truths.



Keith Grint "Leadership: A Very Short Introduction" (Oxford Very Short Introductions)

This is not a "how-to" or "self-help" type of book, and not so an academic book, either. There are some interesting observations in this book, among which I appreciate best diagrams explaining the history of management theories. Overall, however, the way the author tells the story seems pretty random to me. It comprises of random citations from psychology, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, business management, politics, and so on. I don't understand what the author is trying to explain. I read this book only because I am forced to discuss leadership with westerners. Honestly, I would say, "Yeah, I know these topics are fervently discussed by western elite businessmen, which I am not." Well, I would not say this book is a waste of money especially if you have to talk about leadership thing with westerners.



George Anderson "Federalism: An Introduction"

An overview of federalisms around the world. It describes practices and principles of 28 federal countries. However it is arranged by subjects such as original formation of federal system, election systems, taxing systems, etc. The writing is plain and readable though it can be used as a easy reference book.



Peter Morville, Jeffrey Callender "Search Patterns: Design for Discovery"

This book is a must read for a librarian, researcher, web designer, website developer and anyone who concerns about the web search. Personally, I tend to prefer a more deductive and systematic approach and at a first glance this book looks quite messy. However, the world wide web itself is messy and I think the authors' approach is quite suitable for this subject. It talks about simple search windows, portals, faceted searches and other variations. It's a source of a lot of ideas for me.

これはオライリーから出ているし、日本語訳もあるので、関心のある人なら見落とす可能性は低いが・・・。特に「サイト内検索」に関する今、最高の本だ。ポータル(トップページからニ・三階まで)とFaceted Searchの二本建てが基本で、あとはいろんな実例やアイデアが豊富に載っている。読んでいるうちに、色々妙なアイデアがどんどん湧いて来て、大いに刺激になった。いずれwebsiteの企画会議があったら、好き勝手なことを言い散らかそうと思う。


Daniel Fleisch "A Student's Guide to Maxwell's Equations"

This is the best physics book that I have ever read. English-speaking people can easily find this book out of the sea of physics textbooks because it is so famous that I feel hardly it is necessary to add another book review. I just want to point out that it is translated into Japanese.





David A. Rothery "Planets" (Oxford Very Short Introductions)


This book describes chemical compositions, geological information, weather etc. of the planets, their satellites, asteroids etc. I must say especially the first half of the book is highly monotonous, though it is OK for me since I enjoyed the sense of peace out of this monotonous astronomy. When it comes to describing the situations of satellites, it suddenly turned very exciting because, I guess, this is the author's chief concern. When I was a kid, they say liquid water is very rare in the solar system but there is a lot of water there as well as organic molecules to support life. The pinnacle of this book is the last part, but I do not reproduce it here.