Symbolic interactionism, on which this book is based, is underutilized in the business world. So it is not surprising that this book is a huge success among business people. Though symbolic interactionism is one of my strongest areas, I was greatly impressed by the author's insight. This is how SI is applied in the real world. What did I studied in the university?
This book is chiefly meant for professional helpers, such as nurses, business consultant, computer technicians etc. However, since everybody sometimes helps other people or is helped themselves, nobody is out of the scope of this book. If you are familiar with symbolic interactionism, especially works of Erving Goffman, that will be a great help, but not a prerequisite. Rather, you can get a feeling of SI thinking from this book.
I think a major constraint of this book is that it seems it only deals with helping situations between well-educated people. For example, the author assumes that a helper feels almost automatically one-up and a client feels one-down. Maybe there is a cultural gap, but at least here in Japan, when clients ask for help, sometimes they feel one-up, because they PAY. I hate this side of Japanese culture, but I imagine the same thing can happen in the US. What do you think when you are forced to call a customer service because a product you have purchased is defective? In Japan, we tend to perceive a company as a whole, and we feel one-up relative to a customer service representative though he himself is not responsible for that defective product...
As you see, this book urges me to think a lot. Great book.
というわけで、原書についてだけど、これは売れるのはわかる。この本の基礎になっているシンボリック相互作用論は社会学の一分野で、ビジネスの世界でほとんど知られていない。わたしもシンボリック相互作用論は相当勉強したつもりなんだけど、こういう本を読むと、せっかく勉強したのに十分に役立ててないことに気がつくようなことで・・・。特にE. Goffmanの仕事などを知っていると、この著者の言葉遣いとかも良くわかると思うけど、社会学を全く知らなくても読める。
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