
Christpher Kelly "The Roman Empire: A Very Short Introduction"

A Roman empire's history organized by subject. The author puts highlights especially on some disturbing facts about the empire. Interesting. By the way, western people tend to distort Latin nous in their own way. That is because Latin culture is embedded in their cultures deeply. However, at least in academic books like this one, shouldn't we use proper Latin nouns?



Stephen Howe "Empire: A Very Short Introduction"

An overview of imperialism and colonialism, without touching on Japanese case. Once upon a time, "Imperial Japan" existed, but that was much smaller/shorter/weaker than those of European forces, and few Japanese think that Imperial Japan was a great age. And Japan was never colonized, at least officially. But most people of the world are in either one of the two sides, id est, former empires or former colonies.


Charles Townshend "Terrorism: A Very Short Introduction"

This book falls in a category of "random essay" which is a type of VSI. I am not ironical. It sometimes works. In the case of this book, it mentions theories of terrorism which are often ignored because most of us are against terrorism and tend to think that terrorism is totally illogical and can attain nothing to ruling powers in the long run.


John Kenneth Riches "The Bible: A Very Short Introduction"

Needless to say but this book is much shorter than the bible itself. Therefore it seems to me a random collection of the author's observations on various things caused by the bible. Not an overview but just interesting articles. Not bad for such.



Nelson Goodman "Ways of Worldmaking"

How should I put it... From what I learn, there are infinite number of versions of the world. Some of them are more useful, some of them are just false and harmful, still some of them are false but useful... Some of them are convertible, some of them are nonconvertible, yet some of them have common factors... And then the author goes into details... It all seems to me totally obvious except for that there are too many prerequisites. Is it because Goodman's ideas is so dispersed among us that I cannot recognize it as such? Or Is it because I am too much into continental philosophies that I always feel an urge for deconstructing everything? I do not know but one of my friends said that this book is a must-read and I finished it.

これは知り合いが読んでいたから読んだだけなのだが・・・。世界には様々なヴァージョンがあり、制作されうる。そして、著者の主たる関心は、様々なヴァージョンの相互作用にあるらしい。確かに面白い事例は色々あるんだけど、純粋に理論的な枠組みという点からすると、特に斬新でもないし、未確認の前提条件が多過ぎるような気がするのだが・・・。 これはグッドマンの思考が世間に普及し過ぎて当たり前になったせいなのか、それとも、何でも脱構築したくなるわたしの悪趣味のせいなのか。どっちにしろ、有名な作品だし、読んで損はないんだろう。邦題「世界制作の方法」はカッコいいというか、原題よりこっちのほうが適切なくらいだ。

Dana Arnold "Art History: A Very Short Introduction"

As is often the case with VSI, this is not a book simply tells us art history. Rather, it is a book on history of study of art history. It covers wide range of topics from classical west-centered vision to Foucault's criticism.



Andrew Ballantyne "Architecture: A Very Short Introduction"

A historical-architectural-sociology? It seems to me a rather random walk in the world of famous buildings. It tells us repeatedly that the value of a building is relative to cultures to which we belong. I am not particularly familiar with architecture but I am certain that this is not a good introductory book. But, well, there are lots of famous buildings which I feel like to research more.



Giovanna Borradori "Philosophy in a Time of Terror: Dialogues with Jurgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida"

In my school days, Habermas seemed to me constructive but simplistic. Derrida seemed profound but futile. Now I see they both are trying to find good neighborhood on their own ways, which are not so diverged as they appear. They both do not touch problems of the notions of "nation", "religion", etc. which I think were invented in the Europe or Christian traditions, because they both refer to Kant as a reference point. Maybe to them these points are too obvious.

流石と言うしか・・・。ハバマスは正しくカントを受け継いでおり、その世界政府像に対してキリスト教的だのパターナリスティクだの文句を言うことはできるが、ハバマスの答は簡単で、「マシな対案があるのか」ということだ。わたしとしてはあるような気がするが、ここまで話がこじれた以上は、主権国家だとか並列する諸宗教とかいう概念を前提にするしかないのかもしれない。他方、デリダのほうでは、「無条件の寛容はありえないが、それを前提にしなければ条件付きの寛容も考えられず・・・」とかいう例の論法で、固定した理想状況をあくまで拒否している。もっとも、この拒否は、永遠にゴールを目指すための前提であることを理解しないと、デリダをただのアナーキストと見誤る可能性が高い。 しかしまあ、流石だ。


Arthur Miller "Death of a Salesman"

I found this book at the end of my bookshelves. Well, I guess there was a time when this salesman's situation was considered miserable. He had the wrong dreams. That is all. He had a nice wife and nice sons. How could he have complained?



そして、わたしの自然な感覚では、どう考えてもこれが悲惨な話に思えない。妻がいて息子がいる時点で勝ち組だし、有力な友人が助けてくれるとまで言っている。それで何が問題かと言うと、要は"He had the wrong dreams."にすべて集約されているようだ。息子がニートなのも、似たような話で。しかし、浮気の話とか盗癖の話とか出てくると、ますます同情が減殺され、葬式だって、誰も来ないというけど、孤独死でも無縁死でもない。まあ虚栄心の死というか。文学的というより教訓的だった。

Bernard Crick "Democracy: A Very Short Introduction"

Not a typical introductory textbook. The author expresses his view on democracy rather freely. Apparently democracy is not supreme value for him. It seems that the ultimate value is something like "free society" and democracy is an indispensable element for it but democracy alone cannot do any good.



Mary Jo Hatch "Organizations: A Very Short Introduction"

In my eyes, well written but just a bunch of obvious observations chiefly on business organizations. If you are not familiar with sociology or social psychology, this book may be a good introduction. Maybe a textbook for MBA or something like that? There are a lot of famous quotes from major sociologists and psychologists. Since I knew them very well and in some cases better than the author, I am not in a position to judge this book.



Mohamed ElBaradei "The Age of Deception: Nuclear Diplomacy in Treacherous Times"

This book is a must read for all who are interested in diplomacy or nuclear disarmament/proliferation. Diplomacy should be conducted in this way. This book is fairly thick but easy to read. Fascinating. In the mean time, what were our diplomats doing?



Jacques Derrida, Gerald Graff, Jeffrey Mehlman, Samuel Weber "Limited Inc"

If it is crystal clear to you
that you are totally right,
that your opponent is totally wrong,
that you know why your opponent misunderstood you,
that your opponent is trying to defame you some what intentionally,
that your opponent's malice justifies your counterattack,
that you have enough time and patience to do so,
and that it is a good opportunity to advertise your theory more correctly,
then this is a sort of book you would write. I read this book more than ten years ago and it still amuses me. Bad taste.




Brian Charlesworth "Evolution: A Very Short Introduction"

This book is a basic account of evolutionary biology. In Japan, there exists virtually no controversy about the evolution theory. Sometimes the author poses "evidences" for the evolution theory whose necessity most Japanese do not understand. It was more interesting than I had expected though.
