
Ian J. Deary "Intelligence: A Very Short Introduction"

"Intelligence" is defined in this book as narrowly as one can expect. It means the score of IQ tests. The author carefully and correctly limits his investigation to what is measurable. Still there are lots of amazing findings. No previous knowledge is required. Very fascinating.


Julia Annas "Ancient Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction"

This book is chiefly on Socrates, Platon, Aristoteles, Stoicism and Epicureanism. It is not a concise overview. The author is seriously discussing some topics with those great ancient philosophers. This method is a great way to become acquainted with ancient philosophies, though in the academic world, you would be required to treat them with more indifference to their arguments, because their arguments are too rudimentary compared to those maniac modern counterparts. For me, Aristoteles's view of the world seems very attractive. It is sad that almost all the book on science history I have ever read portrayed Aristoteles as an authoritarian idiot.



Norman Solomon "Judaism: A Very Short Introduction"

I did not know much about Judaism chiefly because there are few Jews in Japan. There are some books about world-dominating Jewish conspiracy theory at bookstores that no one would seriously believe. There are also books that say "Learn Jewish way of thinking and become rich" sort of things. Maybe some people seriously read this sort of books. My little knowledge about Judaism came chiefly from a TV series "Evangelion" in the same way I learned Catholicism and Protestantism from OVA "Hellsing". What I mean is that this book is very nice for beginners or lay persons. As an average Japanese sometimes I find it difficult to distinguish those religions and Islamic sects from each other. It is a really nice beginner's guide to Judaism.



Simon Critchley "Continental Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction"

I do not know what English-speaking people think about this book, because in Japan, it is an obligation for philosophy students to study both "analytic" philosophy and "continental" philosophy. It seems that in English-speaking countries philosophy students stay away from their continental counterpart. It was really interesting for me to watch their mutual misunderstandings, but in my humble opinion, continental philosophers know about analytic philosophy much more than the other way round. This book is not for a beginner. Obviously readers are required to have a wide range of knowledge about both philosophical traditions. Maybe at least one year or two years' training in college philosophy?




Catherine Belsey "Poststructuralism: A Very Short Introduction"

Another book of nostalgia. Worth reading if you have no knowledge about this subject. In Japan, continental philosophies are much more widely studied than those of UK or US, in case you did not know.



Jonathan Culler "Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction"

I took this book out of nostalgia. I would say that it is a collection of interesting topics in literary theory, rather that a brief overview. However literary theory is itself a collection of miscellaneous topics. So what else should we expect under this title? I think all the English (Japanese) teachers at high school should have at least this level of knowledge.



John H. Arnold "History: A Very Short Introduction"

This book is a "history of history". I expect that all historians should have this degree of conscientiousness. Making up a history needs a self-analysis, if you call it describing. You must be conscious about what you are doing. And it will benefit also consumers of history books. And this book is also entertaining.



Gillian Butler, Freda McManus "Psychology: A Very Short Introduction"

An overview of psychology. Not bad, not great. VSIs with a title too general tend to be boring and this book is not an exception. It is a catalog of psychology related subjects. Those who have just started to study psychology might find it helpful.



Uta Frith "Autism: A Very Short Introduction"

Amazingly great short book on ASD. Very informative and very easy to read. I can feel warmness of the author who is an excellent scientist and a great humanitarian at the same time. This book contains a lot of insights into not only ASD but also what we are. I was impressed with complexity of our brains. Recommended for those who are in contact with ASD people but also for those interested in brain science.

いわゆるASD、自閉症とかアスペルガー症候群とかの解説書なんだけど、これは素晴らしい。現実の自閉症がどんなものか、とてもリアルにわかりやすく書かれている。実際に自閉症の人と付き合いがあるのならmust-readだけど、純粋に脳の働きに興味がある人にとっても驚くべき情報がいっぱいあるので、特に自閉症に興味がなくても面白いだろう。個人的にびっくりした一例だけど、健常者でも脳のある部位を損傷すると、物をやたら集めるようになる。これはその部位が物集め本能を司っているからではなく、物集め本能を抑止する部位だからだという。えっ、じゃあ人間は自己抑制し続けてないと、自然に物を集めてゴミ屋敷を作ってしまうということなの? いろんなことを考えてしまう。自閉症に関する本を他に読んだことがないので知らないけど、日本語訳したいところだなあ。


Leslie Iversen "Drugs: A Very Short Introduction"

This is a very basic introduction to drugs. No scientific background is required. I have never studied much about this subject, still I found this book is too elementary. There are few books of this kind, that is, books for ordinary people outside of medical profession.
