
Peter Morville, Jeffrey Callender "Search Patterns: Design for Discovery"

This book is a must read for a librarian, researcher, web designer, website developer and anyone who concerns about the web search. Personally, I tend to prefer a more deductive and systematic approach and at a first glance this book looks quite messy. However, the world wide web itself is messy and I think the authors' approach is quite suitable for this subject. It talks about simple search windows, portals, faceted searches and other variations. It's a source of a lot of ideas for me.

これはオライリーから出ているし、日本語訳もあるので、関心のある人なら見落とす可能性は低いが・・・。特に「サイト内検索」に関する今、最高の本だ。ポータル(トップページからニ・三階まで)とFaceted Searchの二本建てが基本で、あとはいろんな実例やアイデアが豊富に載っている。読んでいるうちに、色々妙なアイデアがどんどん湧いて来て、大いに刺激になった。いずれwebsiteの企画会議があったら、好き勝手なことを言い散らかそうと思う。


Daniel Fleisch "A Student's Guide to Maxwell's Equations"

This is the best physics book that I have ever read. English-speaking people can easily find this book out of the sea of physics textbooks because it is so famous that I feel hardly it is necessary to add another book review. I just want to point out that it is translated into Japanese.





David A. Rothery "Planets" (Oxford Very Short Introductions)


This book describes chemical compositions, geological information, weather etc. of the planets, their satellites, asteroids etc. I must say especially the first half of the book is highly monotonous, though it is OK for me since I enjoyed the sense of peace out of this monotonous astronomy. When it comes to describing the situations of satellites, it suddenly turned very exciting because, I guess, this is the author's chief concern. When I was a kid, they say liquid water is very rare in the solar system but there is a lot of water there as well as organic molecules to support life. The pinnacle of this book is the last part, but I do not reproduce it here.


Elizabeth R. DeSombre "Global Environmental Institutions" (Routledge Global Institutions)


中心はUNEPだけど、World Bankもあれば、UNESCOもあるし、ラムサール条約もあれば世界遺産条約もあるというようなことで多彩だ。個人的にはIMOの話や酸性雨の話がタメになった。世界レベルの環境問題について本当に関心があるのなら必読書だ。そうでなくても、レファレンスブックとしても使えるくらいで、色々な知識が詰まっている。

This title provides an overview of a wide range of intergovernmental institutions dealing with all kind of environmental problems. NGOs are omitted in spite of their significance.

Though the institution that occupies the most important part is UNEP, it describes a wide range of institutions, from World Bank to UNESCO, from the Ramsar Convention to the World Heritage Convention. As for me IMO and the story of acid rain were most interesting. If you are interested in global-scale environment problems, this book is a must read. If not, this book can be used as a reference-book.


Byron Katie "I Need Your Love - Is That True?"


The title is a bit creepy and makes me squirm, but that is a truth. This book is a workbook for removing obsession, especially about oneself. The main target customers are women who crave for love, but men might get some lessons from it. I think the main morale is that we should discover our obsessional thinking about ourselves and start observing our own emotions. We already know that, but not how to.