
Edgar H. Schein "Helping: How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help"

Symbolic interactionism, on which this book is based, is underutilized in the business world. So it is not surprising that this book is a huge success among business people. Though symbolic interactionism is one of my strongest areas, I was greatly impressed by the author's insight. This is how SI is applied in the real world. What did I studied in the university?

This book is chiefly meant for professional helpers, such as nurses, business consultant, computer technicians etc. However, since everybody sometimes helps other people or is helped themselves, nobody is out of the scope of this book. If you are familiar with symbolic interactionism, especially works of Erving Goffman, that will be a great help, but not a prerequisite. Rather, you can get a feeling of SI thinking from this book.

I think a major constraint of this book is that it seems it only deals with helping situations between well-educated people. For example, the author assumes that a helper feels almost automatically one-up and a client feels one-down. Maybe there is a cultural gap, but at least here in Japan, when clients ask for help, sometimes they feel one-up, because they PAY. I hate this side of Japanese culture, but I imagine the same thing can happen in the US. What do you think when you are forced to call a customer service because a product you have purchased is defective? In Japan, we tend to perceive a company as a whole, and we feel one-up relative to a customer service representative though he himself is not responsible for that defective product...

As you see, this book urges me to think a lot. Great book.


というわけで、原書についてだけど、これは売れるのはわかる。この本の基礎になっているシンボリック相互作用論は社会学の一分野で、ビジネスの世界でほとんど知られていない。わたしもシンボリック相互作用論は相当勉強したつもりなんだけど、こういう本を読むと、せっかく勉強したのに十分に役立ててないことに気がつくようなことで・・・。特にE. Goffmanの仕事などを知っていると、この著者の言葉遣いとかも良くわかると思うけど、社会学を全く知らなくても読める。




Ian Shaw "Ancient Egypt: A Very Short Introduction"

This book is not an overview of the history of the ancient Egypt, but rather an overview of Egyptology. So, if you want to learn about pyramids or mummies or hieroglyphs, this book is not for you, though after reading this book, you will begin to doubt the credibility of any Egyptian history told in popular books. This book just tells you how scholars work on a wide range of subjects of Egyptology. Interesting, but it seems the author never intended to sell this book to general public. Maybe you should have certain amount of knowledge abut ancient Egypt, then this book will correct your image of ancient Egypt. It seems this is the author's aim.




Saki "The Chronicles of Clovis"

I seldom read novels. Saki is one of my best loving storytellers. Especially I am a fun of Clovis Sangrail. In a nutshell, this book is an anthology of black humors.




SelfMadeEasy.com "Assertiveness: Stand Up, Speak Out, and Still Garner Others' Respect"

Seizing this opportunity, I would like to announce to all shy and modest people around the world that Japan is the country for you. Japanese culture respects modesty. If you are an American and suffer from you timidity, you are most welcome in Japan. You can not imagine how charming and attractive being an American and modest at the same time is to Japanese people. President Obama was criticized in the United States because he bowed too low before the emperor of Japan. One thing they do not know is how this presidential act made Japanese people respect Mr. Obama. I am not a serious supporter of the emperor system, but bowing foreigners are always highly respected in Japan. In this regard, there is a huge gap between the two cultures. Well, politeness and timidity are two different things, but I wish you never lose your charm in the course of adopting assertive attitude. By the way, this book is, well not bad. Sometimes it is a good thing to become self-reflective about your outer attitude.

残念ながらこれはKindle Editionのみらしい。まあ似たような本はいくらでもあるんで、適当に売れてたり安いのを読めばコンセプトは同じだろう。日本でもしばらく前に「断る力」だとか「怒る技術」だとか、単純に「アサーティブネス」とかいうタイトルの本が結構流行ったと思う。自己啓発はたいてい米国発で、適当な日本人が翻訳したりパクったりして日本でも少し遅れて流行る。大人しくて損をしているとか自己主張が苦手な人向けの本だけど、この本の基準だと、半分以上の日本人が該当してしまう気がする。文化差が大きく、この本を読んで日本で役立つ気がしないけど、アメリカ人風の考え方や言い方を学習するのに役立った気がする。たまには、こういうのを敢えて考えてみるのも悪くないことだろうし。

Partha Dasgupta "Economics: A Very Short Introduction" (Very Short Introductions)

This book is an introduction for economics students and not a summary of the subject. Economics is a well-established subject and there are a lot of great text books. This book focuses on some crucial basic facts which are often omitted from popular economics textbooks. For example, a sound and trustworthy government is a prerequisite for sustainable economic growth. Well, people in the UK may not trust their government, but not to the extent of people in many underdeveloped countries.



T. E. Klemm "100 Chess Problems for the Rest of Us"

This book is for Kindle only. Fairly elementary problems. It is neither for very advanced players nor for novice players. The author says "the rest of us" accounts for 80% of all the chess players. It uses a lot of diagrams of chess board and explains almost move by move.

I have not played chess more than 100 times in my life, so this book would not be for me if I were not a very experienced shogi (Japanese chess) player. I usually enjoy more-than-five-movers of shogi. And I solved half of the problems here in first 30 seconds. Very interesting and it helped me getting accustomed to movements of the chess pieces.

By the way, Problem 67 looks funny for me. The author proposes skewering the opponent's king and queen, but the situation seems to me just a simple two move mate. I wonder if there is a rule that prevents this obvious checkmate.

残念ながらこれはKindle Editionしかない。将棋で言うところの「次の一手」で、正直なところ、わたしには易し過ぎるけど、チェスの動きに慣れるという意味では良かった。半分以上が一目で解ける。まあ、将棋の経験がなくても、チェス入門書の傑作"Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess"を読み終わったら、直ぐにこれを読めるだろう。もちろん、わたしのように、「将棋の経験はあるけどチェスはルールくらいしか知らない」、という人も楽しめる。

余談だけど、これからチェスを学ぼうとする人には"Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess"が一番いいと思う。日本語訳も出ているんだろうけど、所詮チェスの話なんで、英語も易しい。というか、チェスに強くなりたければ英語は避けられない。あるいは、チェスを通じて英語を学ぶという考え方もアリだ。


Kakuzo Okakura "The Book of Tea"

This book is first published in 1906, and they say this it is still the best introductory book to chado or tea ceremony for westerners. To those of philosophical mind, this may be true. It does not explain how to make or drink tea, but the philosophy of tea. As an average Japanese, I found it rather vulgar. No offense, but it is just a cultural difference. This book may be a good start for non-Japanese, though I would not recommend it to my compatriots. The theme of this book is too obvious for them. On the bottom line, I leaned from this book how to explain teaism to westerners.
