
Nelson Goodman "Ways of Worldmaking"

How should I put it... From what I learn, there are infinite number of versions of the world. Some of them are more useful, some of them are just false and harmful, still some of them are false but useful... Some of them are convertible, some of them are nonconvertible, yet some of them have common factors... And then the author goes into details... It all seems to me totally obvious except for that there are too many prerequisites. Is it because Goodman's ideas is so dispersed among us that I cannot recognize it as such? Or Is it because I am too much into continental philosophies that I always feel an urge for deconstructing everything? I do not know but one of my friends said that this book is a must-read and I finished it.

これは知り合いが読んでいたから読んだだけなのだが・・・。世界には様々なヴァージョンがあり、制作されうる。そして、著者の主たる関心は、様々なヴァージョンの相互作用にあるらしい。確かに面白い事例は色々あるんだけど、純粋に理論的な枠組みという点からすると、特に斬新でもないし、未確認の前提条件が多過ぎるような気がするのだが・・・。 これはグッドマンの思考が世間に普及し過ぎて当たり前になったせいなのか、それとも、何でも脱構築したくなるわたしの悪趣味のせいなのか。どっちにしろ、有名な作品だし、読んで損はないんだろう。邦題「世界制作の方法」はカッコいいというか、原題よりこっちのほうが適切なくらいだ。

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