
Maxwell Irvine "Nuclear Power: A Very Short Introduction"

I assume most part of this book was written before the accident of Fukushima Daiichi. The author is clearly pro-nuclear energy, which is a good thing because in Japan all bookstores are repleted with anti-nuclear books. Personally I do not have a solid opinion about this matter and I do not feel I have to have one either. I am just fed up with unscientific or illogical accounts of nuclear power energy, regardless of pro or con. I do not think this book is particularly persuasive, but at least it explained me a lot of cool cutting-edge technologies of new generation nuclear power plants. Sometimes I felt as if the author was a salesman from Areva or something.



Peter Salway "Roman Britain: A Very Short Introduction"

I am not particularly interested in Roman Britannia, but this book was much more fascinating than I had expected. In Japan, at high school, we learn about Roman Empire but not quite thoroughly about its provinces.



David DeGrazia "Animal Rights: A Very Short Introduction"

As far as I am concerned, total ban on farming does not pose a great problem because I do not like meat anyway. Total ban on whaling is a good idea because I hate whale. What I do not understand is why some people can oppose to whaling on moral bases while devouring farmed beef. I think it is a matter of emotion, not a logic. I know that Christians are generally more cruel to animals than Buddhists, but I find this book is the other side of the extremity. The author tries to build a logic system for animal rights. I do not think that would have any effect on specists.



Harry Sidebottom "Ancient Warfare: A Very Short Introduction"

As is often the case with VSI, this book is not a simple description of ancient warfare. Its main theme is an ideology called "the Western Way of War". Well, I have not yet seen "Gladiator" and the concept "the Western Way of War" is very foreign to me. Telling from what I learned from this book, I imagine that westerners have a idealized image of their way of conducting warfare, and the author's intention is to criticize that image. As an average Japanese I know a lot about ancient Chinese warfare which was highly civilized and therefore very brutal. I would like to recommend my western friends "Records of Three Kingdoms", which might change your image of ancient China and yourself...

VSIにありがちな話で、古代ローマ・ギリシア・マケドニア・ペルシアとかの戦闘を概説しているというよりは、それに対する解釈の変遷に重点がある。特に、この本には、"The Western Way of War"という神話を打破するという目標がある。もっとも、わたしはそんな神話を西洋人と共有していないので、何のことか分かりにくいところもあるが・・・。早い話がローマ人は規律正しくちゃんと戦争をするけど、ゲルマン人とかは凶暴で自由に戦ってくるとかいうようなことらしい。映画"Gladiator"が(批判的に)参照されるので、見た人にはもっとわかりやすいだろう。で、普通に戦史・戦術史を学びたい人は別の本を当たるべきということになるが、この本を読んだ後では、普通の本に書いてあることが普通に信じられなくなるというのも、VSIにありがちな話で・・・。個人的には学生の頃、わりと真剣に古典語を勉強していたんで、ちょっと懐かしかった。


Benoit B. Mandelbrot "The Fractal Geometry of Nature"

This book is a readable encyclopedia of fractal geometry rather than a mathematical study. Some readers might feel frustrated because there is not enough mathematical explanation. I think that feeling has something to do with something inherent to fractal geometry... But of course, I do not know.




Daniel W. Drezner "Theories of International Politics and Zombies"

I am afraid that this book is easily buried into obscurity because there are lots of zombie books recently. I checked at bookstores many zombie manuals and I found this book is the best of its kind. It might serve as an introductory book on international politics. You can insert this book into your report on international politics at college.




Fred C. Piper, Sean Murphy "Cryptography: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)"

Very orthodox and very elementary. You don't need to know even the binary notation. Very good for the first encounter with cryptography. But if you just looking for fun, I bet there should be more amusing books on cryptography. And also if you are looking for real mathematics of cryptography or a manual for real computer security system, this book is not for you.


Catherine Sheldrick Ross, Kirsti Nilsen and Marie L. Radford "Conducting the Reference Interview: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians, Second Edition (How to Do It Manuals for Librarians)"

I think this is a book for students who want to be a librarian. Those who have no experience of serving at the library reference desk or something like that should find this book exciting. For me this book is too elementary though I know many librarians who do not possess those skills described in this book. There are lots of professions which require the client interviews, such as policemen, nurses, doctors, business consultants, tech helps and so on. And each has similar course books like this one. All of them are interesting and make me think about helping in general.


Mark Bowden "Winning Body Language: Control the Conversation, Command Attention, and Convey the Right Message without Saying a Word"

I came across this book by a mere accident. I believe not all the arguments or justifications the author made for his method, but as long as it works, why do I bother? Very helpful for me. Some of the techniques told in this book were familiar to me, but chiefly for purposes of martial arts or health. I never thought they could also be used for business presentations.



Malise Ruthven "Fundamentalism: A Very Short Introduction" (Oxford Very short Introduction)

"Fundamentalism" is often translated into Japanese as "genri-shugi", which literally means "principle-ism". Anyone who would not converse with those who do not share his belief is deemed "genri-shugisya" or "principle-ist". So "genri-shugi" has a broader meaning than "fundamentalism". We can talk about "democracy-genri-shugi" or "open-source-genri-shugi".

Well, here "fundamentalism" is a strictly religious term, has nothing to do with above mentioned dogmatisms or technical analysis. Sects deemed "fundamentalists" exist in many religions and they are all somewhat alike. The author's approach is religious sociology, and fairly easy to follow. A lot of fascinating insights are there. This is a short book, but contains too much interesting thinking for me to summarize here.
