
T. E. Klemm "100 Chess Problems for the Rest of Us"

This book is for Kindle only. Fairly elementary problems. It is neither for very advanced players nor for novice players. The author says "the rest of us" accounts for 80% of all the chess players. It uses a lot of diagrams of chess board and explains almost move by move.

I have not played chess more than 100 times in my life, so this book would not be for me if I were not a very experienced shogi (Japanese chess) player. I usually enjoy more-than-five-movers of shogi. And I solved half of the problems here in first 30 seconds. Very interesting and it helped me getting accustomed to movements of the chess pieces.

By the way, Problem 67 looks funny for me. The author proposes skewering the opponent's king and queen, but the situation seems to me just a simple two move mate. I wonder if there is a rule that prevents this obvious checkmate.

残念ながらこれはKindle Editionしかない。将棋で言うところの「次の一手」で、正直なところ、わたしには易し過ぎるけど、チェスの動きに慣れるという意味では良かった。半分以上が一目で解ける。まあ、将棋の経験がなくても、チェス入門書の傑作"Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess"を読み終わったら、直ぐにこれを読めるだろう。もちろん、わたしのように、「将棋の経験はあるけどチェスはルールくらいしか知らない」、という人も楽しめる。

余談だけど、これからチェスを学ぼうとする人には"Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess"が一番いいと思う。日本語訳も出ているんだろうけど、所詮チェスの話なんで、英語も易しい。というか、チェスに強くなりたければ英語は避けられない。あるいは、チェスを通じて英語を学ぶという考え方もアリだ。

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