
Julia Annas "Plato: A Very Short Introduction" (Very Short Introductions)

People may expect a concise introduction to Plato's ideas, but the author doubts if we should reconstruct Plato's ideas from his dialogical treatises. I do not know if this is an ordinary way of learning Plato. There is a heavy tradition of "Platonism", which has restricted our understandings of Plato. From the tradition, we know some famous quotations of Plato and we have formed some notion of what Plato was thinking about. But it seems that modern philologists might not follow this line. So, if you would like to learn Platonism, this book would surely disappoint you.



M. A. Cook "The Koran: A Very Short Introduction" (Very Short Introductions)

I assume this book is very famous in English-speaking world. It is a very concise introduction to the Koran. All I am obliged to say is that this book is not for those who want to learn the ideas of the Koran. Rather, this book is a work of philology and comparative religion. Some degree of knowledge of Christianity might be prerequisite of this book. I mean, that an average Japanese might find this book a little too foreign....



John Medina "Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School"

This book is a mixture of brain science and how-to. That said, It is quite natural if you get extremely wary and do not feel like even touching this book. However, the author is an authentic scientist and this book is not a pseudo-science. You may be still weary, but you have my word. Very fascinating book. There might be too much sugarcoating. Still, this book talk about too important facts about our brain to just ignore.



R. A. Hope "Medical Ethics: A Very Short Introduction" (Very Short Introductions)

This book poses some of most controversial ethical problems of the medical professions, about which the author freely expresses his opinions. Though they are most important questions of medical ethics, this is not an overview of this area. I assume the author's intention is to stimulate readers' own thinking.



Steve Hughes and Nigel Haworth "International Labour Organization (ILO): Coming in from the Cold" (Global Institutions)

This book is about a history of ILO, not a history of labor economics. It focuses on how they have survived since the inception of the League of Nations. In Japan, their influences are hardly sensed, except for an anti-communist institution and except when trade unions argues their rights citing ILO conventions. Maybe they work better in other countries, but it is not apparent from this book. This book focuses on the ILO itself and its survival strategies. That makes me think about the concept of "inter-governmental organization" in general. Inter-governmental organizations have their respective special areas, but it appears they all behave in the same way.... Anyway, this is a nice and concise introduction to ILO.



Samir Okasha "Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction" (Oxford Very Short Introductions)

I was once a big fan of the "strong program" chiefly because it is extreme and absurd. Actually, I do not think that philosophy of science is useful for scientists. However, I am a little interested in controversies between idealism and realism. And besides, wars between scientists and philosophers or sociologist are highly emotionally charged and very amusing for us by-standers. This book is an elementary introduction to these entertaining battles. I also recommend David Bloor's "Knowledge and Social Imagery", which poses the most furious attack on the scientist pride.

一時期、ブルアのいわゆる「ストロング・プログラム」にハマっていたことがあった。だいたい、理系の科学者だちは自分たちが絶対の真実を探求していると主張し、相対的な真実しか追究していない文系をバカにしているから、哲学者や社会学者が自然科学を相対化しようとすると、ムダに感情的な争いになって、傍観者的にはなかなか面白い分野だ。それはそれとして、この分野は観念論vs実在論の一つの舞台でもあり、そういう方面の興味もある。この本は、特に論争主導での入門書なんで、理屈が好きな人にはお薦めだ。しかし、もっと過激派の見解を学んで衝撃を受けたいというようなムキには、やはりBloorの"Knowledge and Social Imagery"を推奨したい。


Michael Eliot Howard "The First World War: A Very Short Introduction" (Oxford Very Short Introductions)

This is a very good introduction to all aspects of the first World War. It traces many battles of the war, and you may be getting to want to know more and more. In this book, people die and die and die. I think this book is the worst killer in VSIs. I was brought up in the pacifist Japan and naturally abhor wars. Japan has no borders and it is hard for me to imagine what being a French or a German feels like... I will never understand why such a terrible war was necessary, but, well, maybe the European Union is a triumph of humanity.

第一次世界大戦の入門書としては、もともと評判がよくて、わたしも一気に読んでしまった。とにかくこの本は人が死ぬ。いまだかつてOxford Very Short Introductionで、こんな人が死ぬ本はなかっただろう。第一次世界大戦の様々な戦闘を、大きな流れが分かるように、良い感じに要約して説明してくれるんだけど、戦闘のたびに平気で何十万人も死ぬ。Appendixによれば、オーストリアハンガリーの死者が120万、ドイツが180万、フランスが140万、イギリスが74万、ロシアが170万で、他の国もある。まあ確かに、この本で死んだ数を全部足したらこんな感じか・・・。一言で「狂気」としか言いようがないけど、ちょっと離れて見れば、ミリオタの人の英語学習に最適かもしれない。政治経済社会といったあらゆる側面を解説しているけど、説明の中心は軍事だ。しかし、これで、また次の大戦をやるんだよな・・・。


Roy Porter "Madness: A Brief History"

A brief overview of history of treatments of madness. Not too philosophical. Fascinating. I once used to be into R. D. Laing and Freud. Now they are in history books. Sometimes the author seems ironic, but overall, it appears that he tries to be as neutral as possible. This book does not suggest a position you should take for this matter, but it really makes you think about it....

これは日本語訳は悪くないけど、ただタイトルに問題があり、実態は「狂気の取り扱い方の歴史」みたいな感じ。悪魔の仕業みたいに思われていた時代もあれば、狂気にロマンを感じていた時代もあり、心理学が優勢な時代もあれば、器質論が優勢な時代もあり・・・。個人的にはフロイトやらR. D. Laingやらにハマりまくっていたことがあったけど、文学的に面白いだけで、現実の治療はまた別問題なんだなぁ・・・。そしてここでも脳と精神の関係が問題になる。この本自体は、やや文学的ではあるけど、普通の歴史書と言っていいだろう。ただ、あくまで読み物で、資料性は低い。正直なところ、わたしの知らないことはあまりなかったけど、入門書としてはいいんじゃないかと思う。


A. J. Ayer "Hume: A Very Short Introduction" (Oxford Very Short Introductions)

Before reading this book, readers must have some basic knowledge about Hume and in philosophy generally. This book is not for beginners. The author himself is a philosopher, and has no intention to present Hume's work without his own comments. He is always assuming opponents to Hume's arguments and trying to defend him. Sometimes I do not see what he is fighting against. Still, it contains a variety of exciting arguments.


Malise Ruthven "Islam: A Very Short Introduction" (Oxford Very Short Introductions)

Since I am relatively new to this subject, I cannot tell if this book is a neutral and fair representation of Islam". What I can say is that this book is not very short. It is overloaded with too much information for a beginner. I imagine one reason is the fact that Islam is not just a religion. In wester Europe as well as here in far east asia, we are accustomed to the notion that religions and other areas of social structure are different matters. That is not the case in the Islamic world. We have to learn Islam as a whole. I think this is not the author's fault.

わたしは全然イスラムに詳しくないので、この本が公平な本なのかどうか判断できない。入門書として読むには、ちと難しいのかもしれないけど、シーア派とスンナ派がいるとか、ムハンマドが始めた宗教だとか、あと若干中東情勢の知識があれば、普通には読めるだろう。情報量がやたら多く、あまり"very short"な感じがしないけど、これはイスラムの性質上仕方がない。我々は、宗教と他の社会生活、たとえば、政治とか経済とか学校とかを切り離して、それだけで理解できると考えがちだけど、イスラムはそういうことになっていないので、一度に総合的に理解していく必要がある。・・・というようなことも、この本を読めば分かってくる。一部近代主義者は、イスラムもそういう方向(政教分離)に持っていきたいみたいだけど。細かいことを言い出したら切りがないはずで、よくこれだけに収まったと考えるべきなんだろう。