
Simon Glendinning "Derrida: A Very Short Introduction"


Here is a Japanese old saying: "To forgive is to forgive when you cannot." meaning "To forgive only when you can find it forgivable is not forgiveness at all." Clear enough. Derrida's "the only possible forgiveness is the impossible forgiveness." is just another mysterious way of saying the same thing. That said, philosophy is a clumsy subject, and it took a genius to reach this commonplace conclusion....

Anyway this book presents some important aspects of Derrida's thinking. But what is fascinating about Derrida is not so his thought but his way of thinking or writing. This book is a good introduction, but I think Derrida's texts are not so difficult to understand as Glendinning maintains.


Damien Kewon "Buddhist Ethics: A Very Short Introduction"

There are too many so-called Buddhism scholars which the author wants to be. While I do not look up to them as Buddhists, maybe this book represents some aspects of modern Buddhists.

正当な戦争とか安楽死とかクローン人間とかテロとか、要は現代倫理学にありがちなテーマについて、 仏教ならこう考えるだろうというこの著者の考え。はっきり言って無意味だと思うが、日本の教団についても言及もあるし、これが現代仏教の実態かもしれない。

Nicholas James "Cancer: A Very Short Introduction"


The strongest points of this book are politics and economics of medical industry. The author criticizes the health system of the UK. I did not know that NHS pays for homeopathy. There are also some interesting facts from epidemiology of cancer. For example, the author recommends sunbathing to prevent cancer. But he is a rigid scientist and denies almost all the "alternative" therapy. Fascinating and recommendable especially for those who might develop cancer in the course of life....


Marco Iacobini "Mirroring People: The Science of Empathy and How We Connect With Others"


The author maintains that imitation or mirroring occurs automatically due to mirror neurons. That sounds not so eye-opening, but this book is trying to explain the importance of mirroring in human culture. That is the point that makes this book outstanding.