An history of the calculus. It appears like a popular math book, but it's not. The most beautiful parts of this book are written in math equations. You don't need to get a pen and notepad to go through this book, though you have to follow mathematical expressions. My main motif to read this book was Leibnitz. In that regard, I sensed a little weakness in the author's philosophical backgound. But, well, who cares. This is a math book, not a philosophy book. The best part starts after Cauchy, and I find it really fascinating.
解析の歴史。一見アメリカにありがちな"popular math"風だけど、実際には教養程度の解析とか集合論の知識は必要だろうな・・・。手を動かさなくてもいいけど、基本は数式を追う本だ。高校生では多分しんどい。もっとも、わたしも大して数学に強いわけではないんで、つまり、それくらいのレベルというような・・・。
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